COURAGE (2016)
Following on from my 'Medal' gifting project at the 2015 Burning Man in which random people were asked to tell a story of personal courage (be it skating down a super steep hill non stop; quitting a particularly toxic job; going against their parents wishes and following their artistic dreams; protecting someone with their own body during a shoot-out), then getting to choose a medal to commemorate the act, I chose to do a series of medals for exhibition made from objects found during the previous months travels. Berlin Bottle caps, a South African medal, Cuban coins, Australian stones and shells, sand and ash from Nevada and various ribbons and strings make up this dainty collection.
Life is sometimes hard, it is also weird, hilarious and boring. Every day we experience emotions, situations and events that can mean a lot to the person involved but might seem rudimentary to an observer. We all go through struggles and cross rubicons that can be major moments for us and yet might not get rewarded or even acknowledged.